Cape May, New Jersey is home to many fine eating establishments. Also, it's my favorite place on a long shot. It's beautiful. Victoriant, small, and amazing food *that's usually why I like a place*
Mad Batter on Jackson Street. I would recommend this only if you are prepared to feast upon God's breakfast, that is the best pancakes I have ever eaten in my life.

If these pancakes arn't in heaven....I might need to have a talking with the big man himself.
Now, I must level with you. Two significant things happened during my time at this restaurant. One. When my mother told the waitress that it was my birthday, the girl asked how old I was. I proceeded to tell her that I was 19. She, very quickly might I add, stated that she didn't think I looked as old as I did. Unfortunately, story of my life
Now the second. I, being the over-obsessed blueberry pancake eater...had a hearty appetite for these delicious circles of moistness.
So, I ate....and ate....and ate. More than I can actually remember eating in my entire life spand. But the accomplishment that I must not that I ate a lot of food (which I most definitely did), but that I ate more than Jared. Yes, I take pride in the fact that I weigh a teeny bit more than half of what he does. So, I'm pretty proud of myself. Here is a picture documentary of a few of the last bites (which weren't as easy as I thought)
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