The cake itself is a creamy vanilla layer cake, filled with vanilla buttercream and raspberry fruit filling. It's kind of like a chunk of heaven. A chunk of heaven that I would be MORE than willing to sink my teeth into.
The next part of this cake is obviously the theme. I mean, look at it. I've never made a cake so pink in my life. And since my family calls me the "princess," I'm obviously going to take a liking to this.
The third part (and most important) is the top of the cake. As you can probably use your eyes to see, the top of the cake is not covered in pink frosting. That would be pink sanding sugar. Yes, I did purchase a whole container of hot pink sanding sugar, and yes....I DID pour it ALL on. I'm not ashamed of it either. I would do it again in a heart beat. Actually, if I would do it over...I would probably pour two on (hehe...I'm so bad!)
And of course, it wouldn't be a princess cake without my famous chocolate tiara! That's like peanut butter without the jelly....or Blake without a Volvo...or me without an attitude (thats what me daddy would say ;)
Unfortunately, the crown melted, and was unable to be presented with the cake. Luckly, they still got to munch on the broken crown......I would have been slightly saddened if the would have left chocolate go to waste. You know, it's kind of like gold.

And then...meet Mr. Piggly Wiggly. He is the delightful friend of Miss Jessickah Bishop. (who the cake was actually made for) He enjoys long walks on the beach and light spring weather. His favorite afternoon snack is brushetta dizzled with olive oil. He's a friendly big with a pig heart...and many jobs.
Spy Piggy by night, he ventures around the world working for Babe. (You know...the famous pig)

Hmmm....take a look at Piggy. He's trying to act like he's really not that important. Or, maybe he's frightened at the fact that Jessickah is attempting to leap aross the room, possible at the expense of his very life? I guess some things we will never know.
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