So, I found this absolutely lovely contest online! Paula Deen is coming together with Philly Cream Cheese and making something amazing out of it! It's a casting competition! Each week, foodies are encouraged to film themselves making their favorite dish (there are multiple categories). Two winners are picked each week. There are eight weeks of the competition! The winners get to go to Savannah and make their dish in front of the amazing women pictured below (which I found on the internet) PAULA DEEN! She's been my favorite chef ever since I knew what butter was! After that, 4 winners are chosen and get to go to LA and go on a book tour with PAULA! Ahhh!

This being said, I knew I needed to enter! It's my dream! This week was side dish, so I adapted and entered my favorite side dish...Christmas Cranberry Sauce! I'll show you my link to the website so you can watch the video! It was the first one...so be a little lenient on me! Hopefully I'll be showing up every single week! Hopefully I'll be going to Savannah!!!
The link to my entry video and recipe is as follows:

Get the recipe at the link above! Check it out and comment on the video!!!!
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