This is probably one of my favorite traditions EVER! Not only do these consist of my three favorite things (peanut butter, coconut, and powdered sugar), but they are super cute! I can't wait to show you this!

Now I thought that I would first show you the disturbing Easter Egg Scene that we made. My brother, Jared, and I were getting a little fatigued and cutness was far far behind us. We started going gorry. I think it has class. In case you were wondering, the large disturbing Easter egg was my brothers responsibility (no surprise there).

Also before I lay down the coveted family recipe, I thought that I would also say that Jared Smith is responsible for many of the decorations as well. (Must give credit where credit was due!) Thanks mom and Blake too!

Here we are! My favorite favorite favorite favorite Easter reipe for peanut butter eggs.
Crispy Peanut Butter Eggs
Items Needed:
Combine peanut butter and margarine until smooth. Mix in the 10x sugar and rice krispies(must use hands, and they MUST get dirty...or they just won't taste as good!)
Squeez into balls or eggs or place into molds (like we did in some of the pictures.) You can also just stick them in your mouth and eat.
Cool in the refrigerator, and coat with milk or white chocolate.
Store in the refrigerator (makes about 20-25 eggs per batch)
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Look at that. Look at that and tell me that they don't look like a bite out of heaven. I'm pretty sure that if heaven was made of this stuff...I would be a happy camper.

We pushed some of the mixture into mold and coated them in chocolate. We poured chocolate into the mold, let set. Then we pushed some of the mixture into the mold, and covered the top with more chocolate. Let cool, them pop them out and enjoy your cuteness!

Bunnys! Oh dear, more cuteness! Thank you to Jared for trying sooooo hard to make those eyes stick on there perfectly.

A pink chocolate drizzle and some sanding sugar! Any idea to why the sugar seems clumped on the eggs? Well, you can thank Jared's moist hands. I think you can figure it out from there.

Yeah, more cuteness!

Next, on to the coconut eggs! (We made them into balls so that you could tell them apart from the peanut butter) Also, it makes for a delightfully cruel joke to those who don't like coconut. Tell them that the egg shaped ones are coconut and the ball shaped ones are peanut butter. hehehe!
Coconut Cream EggsItems Needed:
Combine cream cheese, margarine, coconut, and sugar. Mix well.
Shape into eggs (or balls as we did). Cool before coating.
Cover eggs with melted chocolate. Let set.
Enjoy right away because you can't wait...or store in the refrigerator.
Makes about 30 eggs.

Here they are all dressed up and ready for the Easter Table. I must tell you, see my mother is the beholder of this recipe. She placed it in a special church cookbook. The recipe was doubled in the cookbook because she usually doubled the recipe. Unfortunately, she didn't remember that she had doubled the recipe in the cookbook, and well...yes....we made a quadrouple batch. Let's just say....we had a dusting of powdered sugar ALL OVER. It really didn't quite make it all in the bowl....but it worked out for the better. We had so many extra of these that we HAD TO EAT THEM! It was unfortunate....yeah...actually not so much!

And then, I packaged them all pretty, and off to some of our loved ones! (I stored a few secret ones in the refrigerator...don't tell!)
The great thing is that you can make these into any shape that you so desire. Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, President's Day, Easter, Christmas, whatever you desire. Actually, just make up a holiday..and you can have these whenever you would like!
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