So, I get an email from his wife.
"Lauren, are you up for an interesting challenge?"
Oh, no. What am I doing? That was what I had thought. But, I'm always up for a challenge, so I kept on reading the email. She had said something about a Poe cake, a raven, or a gravestone. A GRAVESTONE? WHAT? Was I reading this properly? I don't know. Is it just me, or is this just weird. Welll......?
So, after hours in the school library researching Poe's grave sight, I came to my design. Not before I recived many glares and glances from fellow computer users in the library. I don't see why in the world people would think I was weird. I mean, I was looking at gravesights...what's the big deal?
But, I started with some little cuppies, I mean, it's kind of my signiture item.
Oh, his name was mark...if you couldn't tell by the picture.
Is the cognac bothering you? Well, you see, there is this tradition. On the eve of Poe's birthday (I think) this mystery person goes and lays a bottle of cognac and three roses at the sight of his grave in Baltimore. Yeah, really weird. The whole thing is weird. I mean, the man married his 13 year old first cousin, and wrote stories about thumping hearts under floor-boards. Again with the weird.
So, I had actually tried making the bottle of cognac out of something else. Chocolate. Yes, I thought I could accomplish it. So what did I do? I took out a mini-champagne bottle, and just dunked it in chocolate. Yeah, that sounds logical right? Yeah, well..not so much. Of course it just broke off the bottle in tiny little pieces. I got completely angry and broke in into tiny, smaller pieces, and in the fit of rage that I had...I threw it on the floor. Then, I slid it under the table with my foor....hhmmhehehe.
So, that didn't work...and I used fondant. The fondant didn't result in me loosing anything, including my time and anger...mostly my anger. I actually don't want to talk about the chocolate incident anymore.
So here's a close up of some of the cake. The raven is supposed to have a "creepy eye." Oh, and the roses...well they are made of fruit roll-ups...yumm. (Thank you Jared for eating the seven reject fruit roll-ups...what a sweetie.)
I hope you had fun eating a gravestone. And Mark, although this obsession of yours is quite odd, I still think you are cool.
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