So, I get an email from his wife.
"Lauren, are you up for an interesting challenge?"
Oh, no. What am I doing? That was what I had thought. But, I'm always up for a challenge, so I kept on reading the email. She had said something about a Poe cake, a raven, or a gravestone. A GRAVESTONE? WHAT? Was I reading this properly? I don't know. Is it just me, or is this just weird. Welll......?
So, after hours in the school library researching Poe's grave sight, I came to my design. Not before I recived many glares and glances from fellow computer users in the library. I don't see why in the world people would think I was weird. I mean, I was looking at gravesights...what's the big deal?
So, I had actually tried making the bottle of cognac out of something else. Chocolate. Yes, I thought I could accomplish it. So what did I do? I took out a mini-champagne bottle, and just dunked it in chocolate. Yeah, that sounds logical right? Yeah, well..not so much. Of course it just broke off the bottle in tiny little pieces. I got completely angry and broke in into tiny, smaller pieces, and in the fit of rage that I had...I threw it on the floor. Then, I slid it under the table with my foor....hhmmhehehe.
So, that didn't work...and I used fondant. The fondant didn't result in me loosing anything, including my time and anger...mostly my anger. I actually don't want to talk about the chocolate incident anymore.

I hope you had fun eating a gravestone. And Mark, although this obsession of yours is quite odd, I still think you are cool.
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