There she is! She's so cute!
And then, it happened. This women right here is why I came to the show. Karen Tack from Hello Cupcake. Yes, you all know that book I'm obsessed with? Well, she, and Alan to my right, are responsible for this masterpiece. Well, I met them. They are both wonderful people. I kind of had a physco attack when she turned around and actually talked to me. See, I had a "portfolio" ready for her, just in case she would talk to me. Well, SHE DID! She loved the pictures, and she said that she would have so much fun looking at it tonight! Oh my gosh!
Was this really happening to me? and guess what..? I just have to tell you this story. She was showing us how to color sanding sugar, and she showed us the food coloring box, and she was like.."Oh yeah, I actually made those cookies on that box." Yeah, that's how cool that was. She's a food stylist. I'm pretty sure that shes exactly what I want to be when I grow up. And...she gave me her home email (which I'm not sharing! hehe) She told me I could ask her any question I wanted. Ohh! I'm just so excited! Could this change my life?!! hehe
Oh, and that's not the coolest thing about it. She let us make cupcakes!! Yes, she had a cupcake making stand set was amazing. I made the lomein one from her cookbook. Isn't that broccoli the cutest thing ever! I think my mom said it aout 38 times today...haha.
And then, there was my mom's cupcake..hehehe...yeah...about job mom? Haha, well to be fair, it did look alot nicer before she shoved it in her purse and it rolled around a few times. Bravo mommy. Way to.....try...haha.
OMG, you are adorable and I love your blog! So jealous of your trip to candy heaven!
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